Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Meri Jannat (My Paradise)

I have been thinking about writing blogs since many days and there was so much to write on… you know every thought is a Blog…;). I find writing blog more interesting then sharing my thoughts on social networking sites.
First everybody should know who am I? As Frederick Perls quote defines… that is what I exactly think now….

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can't be helped”…

So this is Amna Mansoor sharing a small Jannat (Paradise) with my Husband and a Light of our life Mahnoor our daughter.. and you might know that I can write so much on her… but Hello.. Today its only about ME …

I run a business of event planning with my friend Irum by name of Meknoor Events… (so much to tell about Meknoor too in upcoming blogsJ) and we love our work.

My interests are very simple watching TV plays apart from that I usually don’t get time to watch them L
I love talking to my husband I have to tell him everything asa he gets back home from office…and I look forward for that time <3
I love listening to my favourite music when I am driving and my best company is my daughter who shares the same interest though she is only 4.7 years old...

I am a strong woman…yes I am J and I love this part of me.

My favourite topic is to discuss about future which nobody has seen but I can’t help it… I love to do that and I can talk so much on it …I am a dreamer.

This is a small introduction about me… while raping up here in the end I would like to share one more thing that I have a small world around me I am truly Blessed by Allah who is always there whenever I have needed Him ..

The people I love the most will find a lot of space in my posts like my adorable nephew Ahsan who is as much close to my heart as my daughter is.

Stay Blessed…!!

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