Sunday, 30 December 2012

You are forever in my heart Abu

From past few days I have been missing my father a lot or  should i say I that I am missing him more and more after every passing year….Allah knows how many years but I just have stopped counting the years that I have lived without my father..It’s a terrible feeling, even worse when I think that why he did not live much enough to see his children’s success and his grand children, his son in law, daughter in laws all the new relationships… I miss him more when I see my daughter’s love for her baba…for her, her dad is a hero, for me ,my dad will always be a hero.

I wish I could walk to the Heaven and bring you back home ABU…I just hope... one day
I will see you again.

My handsome father was diagnosed with the kidney problem…he went on dialysis for two years, but he was always thinking about the needs of his children 5 sons and a daughter and all very young not capable of helping him, I have seen him as a fighter, a long fight with his disease …but finally he left us all alone on 24th December.

I hope you can listen and see me abu,I hope that you are getting hugs and kisses and prayers that I am sending your way every day..i know that you are in a better place but all that I know is that you are not with me ,and I want to see you and hug you and tell you that much I love you.

Sleep well Abu and take care of all those who went before and after you.

Forever in my heart 

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